
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:姐妹花 更新时间:2014-01-21
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关键词: 安踏; 体育用品; 品牌建构


Abstract: Today in the product homogeneity, brand competition is the competition in the market dominant, and excellent brand industry controls the direction of the development of the industry.As the fastest growing sports brand, Anta has achieved good results, brand construction also obtained certain result, although in practice there are many problems, but enough to prove brand construction in the important role.At the same time, domestic and international practice so that we can see, in today's market economy, brand has become China's sporting goods industry create greater glories of the bottleneck, accelerate brand construction pace to brook no delay.Therefore, this paper from China's sports consumer market present situation, on the sports development of the current situation and development trend, undertook a certain degree of analysis and discussion, and then to China's famous brand Anta sports as an example, to mainly introduce sports brand construction of the road, and then proceed from the one to the other, through the Anta brand construction examples, and from the general to talk about how to carry out the sports brand construction road.

Key words: Anta ;Sports goods ;Brand building


上传会员 姐妹花 对本文的描述:本次论文首先是从我国的体育用品消费市场的现状出发,对体育用品的发展现状以及发展的趋势,都进行了一定程度的分析与讨论,进而以我国的著名体育品牌安踏为例,来着重介绍一......
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