
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-03
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摘要: 随着我国城市化建设的不断深入,大量的农民进城务工,进而造成了我国大部分农村出现只有老人和孩子在家中耕地,甚至土地荒芜无人耕种。于是有些地方为了为了合理利用土地,采取了积极促进土地使用权的流转,通过土地“转租倒包”的方式承包给一些种植、养殖大户和当地的一些企业。这一问题受到了国内学者和国家政府的高度重视。我国的许多地方都出现了土地集中化的现象,这也是很正常的。我国正在加速发展阶段。外国以前也出现过类似的情况,他们也都很好的处理了这些问题。我们应当借鉴他们的一些好的经验来应对我国目前出现的问题。在处理的时候还应当注意到以人为本,为农民争取最大利益。

关键词: 农村土地集中化   影响   趋势


Abstract:  Along with our country city to change construction is ceaseless and thorough, a large number of farmers to migrant workers, and resulted in most of our country appears only old people and children at home in arable land, and even the land barren nobody cultivate. Then some places for the sake of the reasonable use of land, taken to actively promote the transfer of land use rights, the land "sublease and contract” means contract to cultivate, breed large family and local businesses. This problem by domestic scholars and governments attach great importance to. In many parts of our country have appeared land centralization phenomenons, this is very normal. China is speeding up the development stage. Foreign appeared before a similar situation, they are also very good deal with these problems. We should learn from their good experience to deal with the current problems in china. In dealing with the time should also pay attention to people-oriented, strive for the best interests of farmers.

Keyword:  Rural land   centralization   affects   Trend

上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:有些地方为了为了合理利用土地,采取了积极促进土地使用权的流转,通过土地“转租倒包”的方式承包给一些种植、养殖大户和当地的一些企业。这一问题受到了国内学者和国家政府......
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