
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-09
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关键词:招聘 招聘有效性 人力资源管理


ABSTRACT:Recruitment is one of the most basic work of human resource management in modern enterprises, It is also important for enterprises to obtain the key talent,talent recruitment quality directly affect the survival and development of enterprises. Effective recruitment can achieve the best match in people with jobs. Therefore, mastering the methods and skills of effective recruitment, you can greatly shorten the recruitment time and save costs. Enterprises can obtain high-quality talent, improving the core competitiveness of enterprises, to inject vitality into enterprise continuous development. This paper starts from the recruitment effectiveness, combined with the actual of DH company, analysis the issue of recruitment effectiveness, countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to solve the problem of company recruitment effectiveness. To improve the effectiveness of recruitment, help the company improve the consciousness of talents, pay attention to recruitment, obtain the appropriate personnel, establish and improve the talent pool to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises; enterprise can also through the recruitment to show their own strength, improve visibility, establish good image of enterprise.

Keywords: recruitment;effectiveness of recruitment ;human resource management


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:本文从招聘有效性入手,结合DH公司的实际,分析公司的招聘有效性问题,提出解决公司招聘有效性问题的对策和建议。提高招聘有效性,有助于公司提高人才意识,重视招聘工作的开展......
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