
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-09
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关键词:劳务派遣 区域半径 圆心招聘模式 招聘效率 成本


ABSTRACT:With the development of economy, many enterprises need a lot of labor, making the current tensions,China's enterprises lack of labor. In order to obtain sufficient labor force,a large number of enterprises into the recruitment tasks entrusted to a professional staffing company. The survey found most of the labor dispatch company usually recruitment methods, to increase the selection cost, at the same time, staff mobility ratio is high. So, how to overcome these problems,in order to reduce the labor cost,improve recruitment efficiency,so that the recruitment of staff is more in line with the requirements of the enterprise?

   Therefore,this paper surveys some labor dispatch company, in-depth analysis, proposed the company sent a labor recruitment patterns:Center recruitment model. Then,using case study method,with strong new Chongqing Human Resources Management Limited company as the object of inspection “center recruitment model”, the study found:first,compared with other methods of recruitment,“bring the center recruitment model” suitable candidates more;second,closer to the enterprise,employees third,compared to a more stable;and other methods of recruitment,recruitment patterns of recruitment center of higher efficiency;fourth,the center recruitment recruitment cost. This indicates that the labor dispatching companies use the “center recruitment model” more effective.

Keywords: Labor dispatch;The radius of the area;The center recruitment mode;The recruitment efficiency;The cost 


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:本文调查一些劳务派遣公司,深入分析,归纳提出了一种劳务派遣公司的招聘模式:圆心招聘模式。然后,采用案例研究方法,以重庆新强人力资源管理有限公司为对象检验“圆心招聘......
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