
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-23
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ABSTRACT:Process integration is no doubt the Chinese television history the milepost type change, it will greatly promote the Chinese media and social informatization, promote changes in the media landscape and advertising marketing pattern, Chinese advertising industry will usher in the great development opportunity at the same time, will also face many changes and challenges. In the background of social development, technological progress, convergence, influenced by the traditional television advertising is enormous, in the face of this enormous impact, must have a clear understanding to television advertising in order to survive, to develop, not just rely on the advantages of the original, but according to the development of society, economy and information technology, timely and change, to find the right strategy, to make positive changes to deal with the influence on traditional TV ads convergence.

Keywords:convergence;Traditional television advertising;Influence;Way




上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:三网融合将打破垄断,给消费者带来更大的社会福利,提供了更为丰富的产品和服务,满足了社会大众的深层次需求,有利于国家“宽带战略”的推进,三网融合的推进对我国传统电视......
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