
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-23
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ABSTRACT:At the moment, the TV reality show programs appeared on the television screens in China one after another. Many TV stations have launched their own reality show programs, trying to occupy a place in the market of the reality show, which has formed a number of similar programs. In such a context of popularizing reality show, the introduction of X-change injected the fresh blood into the Chinese TV reality show. In this paper, it started from the content, form features and technical production of X-change and other operation layers, analyzed the reasons for its success. The impact of success of X-change on the TV reality show in China was beyond doubt. TV reality show in China should rethink from many aspects, dig the local resources, grasp the psychology of audience, integrate the media communication and highlight media social responsibility so that make out the programs which are adaptable to their own national conditions, new and valuable as well as meaningful, which makes that the TV reality show in China develop toward the health trends.

Keywords: TV reality show, X-change, Communication strategy, Hunan Satellite TV




上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:文章从内容、形式特点、技术制作等方面剖析了《变形计》的传播策略,并分析了其成功之道路对中国电视真人秀节目的启示意义。中国电视真人秀应从多方面进行反思,挖掘本土资源......
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