
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:阿怪 更新时间:2014-03-13
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关键词:我校大学生    羽毛球    选项课    对策


Abstract:This paper use literature data method, questionnaire survey and mathematical analysis and other methods, combined with the actual situation of our college students in our university badminton elective courses, including the status quo of college students to participate in the badminton elective course consciousness, motives and consumption levels, and the impact the main course in badminton options factors on the investigation and research, and the corresponding countermeasure is put forward. Can a more objective to reflect the development of our badminton elective course this research status quo, hope for the development of our badminton elective course tomorrow.

Key words: our school university; badminton; optional class ; countermeasures



上传会员 阿怪 对本文的描述: 本论文的研究内容包括:我校学生体育课选项动机、学生体育学习动机、学生体育基本素质、我校体育教学设施、我校体育教学内容、我校体育教学模式、我校体育考核方法、我校体育器......
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