
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:阿怪 更新时间:2014-03-13
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关键词:大学生  网上开店  机遇  风险  对策


Abstract: The online shop as a new business approach, it gives an opportunity for college students is brought, and there are risks and difficulties, based on the students continued to decline for Internet businesses, online shop by analyzing the background of students and present, of The practice of college students shop online risks and difficulties, make way college students shop online. This paper is to start with reality and its own online analysis of the issues faced by the main network from the students and opportunity faced by college students shop online shop to analyze the difficulties.

Keywords: college students;  Online shop;   Risk;  Strategy 

上传会员 阿怪 对本文的描述:联网的发展非常迅速,网络创业也成为大学生创业的模式之一,虽然大学生网上开店还是面临很多问题,但只要有毅力有恒心,积极的学习,善于利用身边的资源,我相信作为大学生开......
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