
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:随心所欲 更新时间:2014-03-18
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Abstract: The relationship between the secretary and leadership is a kind of special social relation, it has multiple social attribute, main show is equal in personality, work on the relationship between superior and subordinate, private relations between friends, and so on. At present some of the Secretary and leadership within the scope of authorization, became each other the maximum personal interest adverse relationship. Relying solely on the moral fetter, unable to restrain and eliminate this phenomenon, it is only through legislation, legal environment, establish a reasonable legal secretary and the relationship between leadership, ability from go up at all to manage this kind of problem, contain and eliminate the phenomenon.

Key words: the secretary and leadership relationship, legislation;specification, occupation of.



上传会员 随心所欲 对本文的描述:秘书首先与其他岗位一样,通过履行自己的岗位职责来实现自己的价值。与领导之间是一种同志式的平等关系,二者虽然有职位的差别,但只是社会分工不同。工作上是上下级,人格上......
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