
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-20
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【Abstract】With the development of the times, the work of the Secretary of products also become more broader, auxiliary and decision-making has become an important part in the work of secretary, aided decision-making quality of the work of the Secretary has important significance. Secretary of the work more and more involved in the decision-making of the leadership to them, as the leadership of the staff and his assistant, work and leadership of the main and auxiliary cooperation, and constantly. This paper from the Secretary of aided decision making functions of starting, in the definition of secretary assistant decision function definition, characteristics, principles, expounds the secretarial staff play in assistant decision function deficiencies and countermeasures, and how to do a good job secretary assistant decision problems put forward their views.

【Key words】secretary; auxiliary decision; function

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:本文从秘书辅助决策职能的概述出发,在界定秘书辅助决策职能的定义、特征、原则的基础上,阐述了秘书人员在发挥辅助决策职能时存在的不足及应对措施,并就秘书如何做好辅助决......
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