
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-20
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【关键词】秘书人格定义  人格建设  人格力量


【Abstract】The 21st century, the rapid development of science and technology, economic globalization is increasingly clues increasingly fierce international competition, in the areas of leadership and management activities will be more open and broad social demand is also increasing day by day the Secretary, requirements are also increasinglyhigher. Personality training career as Secretary of the many qualities of the most fundamental quality, the Secretary plays a vital role. Therefore, in today's competitive environment, strengthen the Secretary of the personality-building has become extremely important. This paper orientation defined by the Secretary of the personality, the Secretary of personality, personality flaws that exist in the modern secretary career, training and building of the Secretary of personality, as well as their significance is discussed in many of the Secretary of personality.

【Keywords】secretary personality  personality-building  strength of character

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:秘书工作的服务性、机要性、执行性决定了其从业人员在社会生活中所处的一个特殊层面:介于领导者与被领导者之间,其职业既是领导机关的扩展,又是基层部门的延伸。本文拟从秘......
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