
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-20
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【关键词】秘书腐败; 原因; 对策


【Abstract】Corruption in China is more and more serious, and the Secretary of corruption accounted for a large part of those holding certain powers of the party and government secretaries use their positions to facilitate corruption, and serious damage to national interests. Secretary of the reason why corruption is mainly with our current sound economic, political, cultural systems related to the development of market economy system is imperfect to the Secretary of the breeding of corruption to create the environment; the existing political system to provide a channel to the Secretary of corruption; and a country and the people of far-reaching traditional culture, especially in the official culture to speed up the corruption of the Secretary. Faced with these problems, we must take appropriate measures to improve the market economic system, the implementation of the construction of inner-party democracy, the establishment of an effective supervision system, accelerate the upgrading of the official culture, reshaping the human spirit, and so are good. So as to effectively curb the occurrence of the Secretary of corruption, in order to safeguard the interests of the country and the people, making the whole society to a road of healthy development.

【Key words】secretary corrupt; reason; countermeasure

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:秘书的职责主要是提供训练有素的高质量的服务,就其岗位而言并没有什么法定权力,秘书从来都是权力体系中的小人物,但为什么有些秘书却能够只手遮天,为非作歹,发挥着与其地位......
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