
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-20
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关键词:废都;  悲剧命运;  女性依附;  男权文化 


Abstract:Image of women is undoubtedly a very important works of the “FeiDu” highlights,focusing on four major aspects to present their own characters on the female's. NiuYueQing, Tang Wan Er, Liu Yue and A Can together make up the a to Zhuang Zhi Die center for emotional relationships, “FeiDou” on the female characters showed a complex contradiction of female consciousness. “FeiDu” performed a heavy theme: during the1980s-1990s, Chinese society is in the reform and open policy the great turning point, people in the norm, behavior is facing new changes appear lost no file, works from the fate of the female characters are different tragedy reflects the author creation tragic consciousness. This paper mainly women work the background and characteristics of the related analysis and through the female mental world and value orientation of deconstruction, to discuss in the traditional male consciousness works under the complex contradiction contained in the female consciousness.

Key words: FeiDu;  Tragic fate ;  Female attachment ;  Male Supremacy Culture 

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:《废都》以主人公庄之蝶为中心组织人物关系,围绕着庄之蝶的四位女性—牛月清、唐宛儿、柳月和阿灿共同组成了一个以庄之蝶为中心的情感关系网,《废都》的情节是在庄之蝶与他的......
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