
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-20
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关键词:汽车保有量; 轮胎产量; 回收利用; 特保条款 


Abstract: In recent years, the growth of Chinese GDP stays at 8% to 9%. In 2010, the total traveled distance of high speed road has arose to 650 thousand kilometers, only second to the United States. The annual output of cars has reached 1.8 million, ranking the first place in the world. It is pointed out that the car ownership has increased to 8.5million already and the annual output will gone to 4.5 million during the next few years. It is certain that the increasing number of the productivity will result in some difficulties and problems. For instance, the impact on tire market from recycling tires, the troubles of American special protectionist tariffs which our tire industry will meet. In terms of noticing and solving such questions, a plan is put forward to keeping the fast development in Chinese tire industry.

Keywords: Car ownership;  Tire production;  Recycling Tires;  Special Protectionist Tariffs 

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:由于轮胎常在复杂和苛刻的条件下使用,它在行驶时承受着各种变形、负荷、力以及高低温作用,所以它必须具有较高的承载性能、牵引性能和缓冲性能。轮胎按结构课分为子午线轮胎......
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