
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:heat000 更新时间:2014-03-26
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Abstract:According to the concept of "anti-planning", make sure the idea of ​​the construction of shoreline along the Yangtze River, Yangzhou City, the use of resources for planning. Not the construction of shoreline conditions less mature shoreline and not the construction of shoreline conditions less mature shoreline refers to the deep water or poor stability coast; not the construction of the shoreline refers to bear the special features of the coast, including water intake downstream coast, the shoreline nodes, a large area of ​​wetlands coast, the main city of the city and tourism landscape where the coast. According to the plan, Yangzhou City, construction of shoreline length of 39km, accounting for 48.1% of the total length of shoreline resources, mainly Yang Town, at the junction of: Shahekou - guazhou Qidu segment, Young Town, at the junction of Yizheng Duiqingshan small estuary - Panjiakou estuary downstream of 300 m, the the Yizheng sand baidunzi - Guazhou Qidu segment leap gate - Jiajiang 1 km downstream, the downstream segment of the northern Jiangsu oil depot - the the Yizheng sand baidunzi segment Xupu estuary - the Yizheng Riverside Park, melons Chau Qidu - Ye Zhuang segment.

Keywords: anti-planning; the shoreline of Yangtze River; planning; Yangzhou 

上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:传统规划理念以产生尽可能大的经济效益为目的,而忽略了经济、生态、社会的统一协调发展,可能导致结构和服务功能遭到破坏、工程与生物措施难以修复或恢复等问题[1]。同时,随......
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