
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:heat000 更新时间:2014-03-26
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关键词 :旅游者类型; 旅游路线; 南京


Abstract :Travel route is a route for tourist activities that tourist services design for the tourists. Tourists are the main part of the tourist activities.Different types of tourists affect the choice of travel route directly. In this paper,the travel route in Nanjing as an example, tourists are classified from purpose, gender,age,and other types to analyse the choice of tourist route, and design  different types of tourist routes for different types of tourists, so to make the tourists get the most pleasant effect in the shortest time totally, also make the tourism acquire the most good economic benefits,realize the sustainable development finally.

Key words:  Tourist types;Tourist routes;Nanjing

上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:本文以南京地区的旅游路线为例,分析旅游者的类型在其选择旅游线路的时候的影响,并设计适合不同类型旅游者的旅游路线,而此旅游路线不仅能满足旅游者的消费需求,同时也会考......
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