
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:heat000 更新时间:2014-03-26
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摘  要:西湖拥有自身得天独厚的优势,尤其是生态环境优越的纯美自然景观和拥有着鲜明特色的历史文化,是对游客吸引力最大的资源优势,加之其区位优势和目前良好的发展机遇,都充分说明了西湖的巨大潜力。但目前也存在一些问题制约着西湖旅游的发展。确定西湖旅游可持续发展状态对于研究西湖旅游非常重要,文章在分析西湖旅游发展的优势与存在问题的基础上,从旅游发展的内在基本规律和理顺旅游者与社会、经济、环境的关系以及适应社会对旅游的要求等几方面入手,提出了西湖实行旅游可持续发展的一些措施。



Abstract:The West Lake's enjoys its blessed strong points, especially its breath —— catching natural landscape and its distinguished customs and folk culture are the most important resources for the tourists. In addition, its location advantage and its present promising development opportunity all fully illustrated the huge potential of the West Lake's tourism. However, it also has some problems hinder the development of West Lake's tourism. It is essential to make clear of the state of the West Lake's tourist sustainable development. This paper analyses the advantages and the disadvantages of the tourism development in West Lake and puts forward some measures of sustainable tourism development on the basis of acting on the basic rules of tourism, adjusting the relation between tourist and society, economy, environment, making tourism fitting to the demand of society.

Key words: Tourism; sustainable development; West Lake

上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:对于杭州西湖这块旅游热点地区,有很多学者做过大量研究和调查,也得出了不少结论,并形成了很多有价值的文章。但其中对西湖旅游可持续发展的研究较少。对西湖旅游可持续发展......
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