
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-14
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关键词:品牌战略、 中粮集团、发展品牌 


ABSTRACT :This paper analyzes the purpose of strengthening the brand and it's importance to the enterprise.This article by COFCO brand development process to analyze and explore COFCO  diversified brand strategy and found that the COFCO original brand strategy exists fancy food how to improve the brand strategy .Through the analysis to group out of the woods.Reference to this article can how to better develop the company brand and develop what kind of brand strategy. 

Key words: brand strategy、COFCO、  brand development

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:中粮收购了大量的其它品牌产业,创建全产业链模式,行业多,品牌更多。这让中粮更加难以管理。但是这个庞大的企业必须要建立很多的子品牌来更好的发展中粮集团并维持这个国有......
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