
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-17
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摘要:文章阐述了传统的GDP 与绿色GDP的概念,绿色GDP体系以及绿色GDP核算的主要方法。通过我国各地试点的现状分析,说明了我国推行绿色GDP核算面临的基础数据不足、没有统一的核算理论和核算技术方面等的难题,再以简单计算2010年南京市规模以上工业绿色增加值为例说明这些问题;最后,提出了发展绿色经济和环保产业,改进政府官员考核制度,完善环境法律体系以及民生建设等对策。

关键词: 绿色GDP;环境;问题;对策


Abstract:This article expatiates traditional gross domestic product(GDP) ,green gross domestic product (GGDP) the system of green gross domestic and the calculation of GGDP. By analysing the situation of the experimental in our country. It illustrates the system of GGDP some problems and the difficulties that lack of basic data about calculating and calculating technical methods, and by calculating the addition of the up scale industry and actuality of the environmental economical industry of Nanjing in 2010 .from these I summarize some measures about developing green economic and environmental protection industry ,reforming officials of the examination system ,improving the environmental legal system and strengthening democracy construction. 

Key words: GGDP; environment ; measures

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:当前我国GDP增长速度在世界各国中都处于领先地位。国民的物质生活得到极大改善。然而在这GDP高速增长的背后,资源消耗、生态环境的破坏等一系列隐性的环境成本和人们生活质量的......
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