
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-05
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关键词:旅游教育 发展 现状


Abstract:With the establishment of nanjing tourism school,China's tourism education started in the late 1970s.After the reform and opening,China usher in a large number of foreign tourists result in tourism industry developed and attracted more attention.Since 1998 "Tourism management" officially become a independent secondary discipline which includes Management and Science of Business Administration.In the adjustment of the subject,  especially the cultivation of  Management and economic aspects to be concerned.However, practical operation and adapting to market changes, etc have weakened so that tourism education got in to expansion of erroneous zone blindly.In addition,with the development of tourism the requirements of tourism operators  are gradually improving.The importance of tourism education were gradually realized. So in view of nowadays tourism education present situation,the measures should be implemented such as the teaching method should be reformed,cultivating innovative tourism management talent and so on.

Key word: tourism education,present situation,development

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:与此同时, 南京旅游教育也面临着一些急需解决的问题, 比如: 各院校开设的旅游系或旅游专业缺少鲜明的特色和在国内外具有一定影响的品牌; 未能有效的将教育目标与市场需求挂钩; 与......
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