
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-05
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Abstract: With the unceasing perfect of market economy and the approaching of perceptual consumption age, the competition between tourist hotels in our country is now developed to the stage which is dominated by hotel brand competition. Up to the present, against the backdrop of China’s rising as the world’s top tourism destination and in a good market economy environment, the hotel brands in our country have been rapidly developed to meet the increasingly urgent needs. How to better understand the hotel brands and then go in for the building of hotel brands will become the theme of the development of China’s hotel industy when facing the blindness from the rapid development and the fierce competition from the world hotel brands.

Key words: tourist hotels; brand consciousness; brand construction



上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:本人在参阅了大量参考文献和报刊杂志的基础上,运用理论研究、比较分析、系统分析等方法对我国旅游饭店品牌意识的发展及塑造,饭店品牌建设及与国际饭店品牌建设的现状差异进......
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