
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-06
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摘  要:云南省建水县普雄乡,是国家文化部命名的“中国民间艺术之乡”。鋩鼓是哈尼人一种传统的古老乐器,用铜制成,圆圆的鼓面中间凸出一块,敲起来声音非常好听。人们在节日或农闲时边敲鋩鼓边舞,表达自己对生活的热爱和丰收的喜悦。每年新年后的第一个属龙日是传统的鋩鼓节。 这种具有特色的民间舞蹈,有着悠久的历史传统和文化底蕴,它生动的反映了当地人民的劳动生活和民俗文化,作为宝贵的非物质文化遗产之一,笔者将通过对建水县普雄乡哈尼族鋩鼓舞的现状进行调查,从而达到让人们更透彻的了解鋩鼓舞文化的历史渊源,并试着探讨如何将鋩鼓舞文化进行传承、保护与发展研究,使其得到更好的发展。



ABSTRACT:Puxiong village, Jianshui County of Yunnan provice is the National Ministry of Culture named county of the China folk art ". Mang drum is a traditional Hani’s ancient musical instrument, with copper into round out a middle reaches, knock rise sound is very well. People in the festival or the slack knock Mang drum dance side edge, express their love of life and harvest of joy. After a year of the first New Year of the dragon day, is a traditional Mang drum section. This unique folk dance, has a long history and traditional culture, it vivid reflect the local people's labor life and the folk custom culture. As a precious immaterial cultural heritages, the author will be through the investigation of the  PuXiong , Jianshui Hani nationality Mang drum dance’s status, so as to make people more thorough understanding of the Mang inspiring culture, and try to explore how to Mang inspiring culture inheritance, protection, development and research, make its be better development.

Keywords: Jianshui; Mang drum dance ; Inheritance development; Research

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:从实质上了解和认识哈尼族及其深层次的文化遗风都有可贵的参考价值。总的来说,调查研究红河哈尼族原生态舞蹈艺术,能使人们领略到哈尼族内在及外露的精神状态,了解和认识红......
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