
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-06
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摘  要:本文通过自身实践调查和查阅文献资料等方法,了解到扎鲁特蒙古式摔跤自身的特点,通过调查研究发现内蒙古通辽市盛行的蒙古式摔跤在技术、规则、方法、服装、场地等方面具有独特的民族特征。对蒙古式摔跤存在的方式和基础进行分析,主要表现为;首先,在学校的参与人数比较多,扎鲁特蒙古式摔跤在社会上发展较好;其次,蒙古式摔跤作为扎鲁特旗最具特色的民族传统体育项目,通过对其竞技特征的分析研究,对蒙古式摔跤的进一步发掘、完善和加强民族体育与竞技体育的接轨;最后,蒙古式摔跤对增强民族体质,改善民族素质等方面都有重要意义。因此,认真研究并积极推广蒙古式摔跤对推进蒙古族传统体育项目全国化发展和扎鲁特旗全民健身具有积极的现实意义。



ABSTRACT:Through actual investigation and literature, to understand the wrestling technique characteristics, through investigation found that the prevalence of Inner Mongolia Mongolia wrestling programs in athletics has obvious characteristics of the project,in technology, rules, methods, clothing, and other venues have their own characteristics. But there are also shortcomings, such as: China's traditional national sports of Mongolia wrestling technology development relative lag, transmission range is relatively narrow, the game rule is not perfect. First of all, to make people understand the Inner Mongolia Zhaluteqi popular Mongolia wrestling in Inner Mongolia region of China's development process, improve the broad masses of the people to the Inner Mongolia national minority tradition sports awareness; secondly, the Mongolia wrestling as the flag of the most characteristic traditional national sports, the sports features analysis, to the Mongolia wrestling to further explore, improve and strengthen the national sports and sports practice; finally, Mongolia wrestling on the enhancement of national physique, improve national quality so as to produce far-reaching effect. Therefore, study seriously and actively promote the Mongolia wrestling of Mongolia traditional sports culture internationalization development and effective implementation of the national fitness has the positive practical significance and the profound historical significance.

Key words: Wrestling wrestling; Mongolia; Minority Traditional Sports

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:到目前为止,在内蒙古、新疆、青海、甘肃等省区的广大牧区,爱好摔跤者仍用骆驼缰绳、马缰绳、哈达、蒙古袍腰带等物系在腰部和大腿上,进行摔跤竞技,这类较量至今在基层那达......
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