
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-04
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关键词: 广州纺织业;出口贸易;SWOT;对策


Abstract:Guangzhou's textile industry by virtue of their own advantages, after years of development, has become one of the pillar industries in Guangzhou City, has formed a certain scale, relatively complete industrial system, play a decisive role in the Guangzhou export, solving the employment, promoting economic growth. As in recent years by the economic crisis, rising production costs, the international consumer market remains in the doldrums, profit margins decline, and sustainable development difficulties.

   This paper introduces the present situation of Guangzhou textile industry export trade; followed by SWOT analysis of Guangzhou textile export trade advantages, weaknesses and opportunities, threats, finally, according to the results of the analysis, starting from the government, association of textile industry, textile enterprises, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to improving the competitiveness of export trade of textile industry in Guangzhou.

Key Words:Guangzhou textile,export trade, SWOT and countermeasures

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:广交会上的采购商数量和成交是外贸形势的重要晴雨表,由此看来,此次广州纺织成交额出现减少,说明目前广州的纺织业外贸形势不容乐观,本文将对广州的纺织业出口贸易现状和优劣......
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