
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-04
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关键词: 移动营销,中式快餐,面点王,传统营销


Abstract:The pasta king of the traditional marketing model has a work time-consuming, there is no specific, single promotional tools, there is no marketing system shortcomings, resulting in difficulties in attracting consumers the competitors brand influence performance compared disadvantage. In this paper, opposite point analysis, including market and competitor analysis. Opposite point the king of mobile marketing feasibility analysis, and then asked the marketing program. Program targeted for pasta development of potential customers through the mobile network marketing, mobile client, two-dimensional code, microblogging, micro-channel, exclusive pasta app improve pasta interaction with consumers, flexibility, the accuracy of the target audience, the formation of a system of marketing tools. The pasta king brand influence, to attract more consumers to increase their profits. 

Key Words:mobile marketing,Chinese fast food, pastry the king, and the traditional marketing

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:面点王公司以“宏扬民族饮食文化,争创中式快餐之王”为己任,努力探索中式快餐的发展壮大之路,一方面植根于民族饮食,创造“不为面食而面食,却以面食作文章”的经营理念,......
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