
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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关键词:电子货币  货币供给  监管


Abstract: 21st century is the century of information. The rapid development of the network technology and information technology promote the expansion of e-money. The e-money occupied a place in the financial sector by its special quality: convenience, ease of use and rapidity. However, the legal and regulatory system of e-money didn’t keep up with the pace of development of e-money. The legal system, the check of the issuer, the monitor of the crime and the protection of the consumer should be improved. The rapid development of e-money affected the entire financial system and the macro-control of the central bank. Therefore, to analysis the effect of e-money in the financial system and to discuss the regulatory issues is a meaningful topic. In this paper, I talked about the effect of the e-money to the monetary functions, financial institutions, financial system and monetary policy, concerning the actual situation. I also talked about the regulatory issues of e-money from internal and external factories, learning the outstanding international experience.

Key words: e-money   monetary supplement   regulation

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:电子货币有着传统货币所不具有的一系列优点:携带便捷、支付快速,甚至可以透支,带给人们前所未有的生活体验。电子货形式包括银行卡、公交卡、手机卡、各式各样的购物卡等具......
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