
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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关键词:股票市场 羊群效应 行为金融 投资者


Abstract: China's stock market is still in a preliminary stage of development , and many problems have arisen, A very classic phenomenon which is a hot topic around is herd effect. Herd effect in stock market is not only a very special but common phenomenon, and it’s a focus object of study. In this paper, We use the analysis method of time series by the Shanghai Composite Index closing price to build the regression model of the variance and standard deviation. By contrast, testing and estimation of the Shanghai Composite Index daily closing price and {△ szpt} trend, the experimental results show that the herd effect in security market exists indeed . Through the analysis of the stock market herding and refining , to get the point of view : the main cause of herd effect is generated by investors, only establish the concept of rational investment can we avoid the negative effects of herding , our stock market could develop stably.

Key words:  Stock Market  Herd Effect  Behavioral finance  Investor

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:证券市场的羊群行为是指投资者在交易过程中存在相互学习与模仿决策的现象,从而导致了他们在某一时刻内共同买入或抛出相同的股票。凯恩斯早就指出:“从事股票投资好比参加选......
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