
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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关键词:互联网金融 余额宝 银行 理财业务 影响


Abstract:With the development of information technology, some internet finance products has been released to consumers such as mobile payment, cloud computing, third-party payment, etc. Such products like Yu’e Bao,P2P has been accepted by more and more people, and it affects a lot to financial services of banks. So in this paper I want to research the influence for the development of internet finance to commercial banks. First I introduce current situation and main modes of internet finance, then explain current financial services of banks, and illustrate the influence to banks with Yu’e Bao especially about financial services. Finally combined with the trend of the Internet financial, I give some suggestions to banks about how to deal with the rapid development of the internet finance and prospects of commercial banks.

Key words: Internet finance  Yu’e Bao  commercial banks  financial services  influence

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:在互联网金融模式下,借款人和贷款人双方能够在网上平台完成信息的筛选、匹配、定价和交易,而不需要传统中介参与,没有交易成本。这对于金融机构来说可以减少渠道方面的投资......
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