
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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关键词:IS-LM模型 货币政策 房地产市场


Abstract: real estate is becoming more and more complex as same as the China's economic environment . The power of the policy called “guoshitiao” has failed to carry out completely, known as history's most severe regulation policy .In china, house prices are still high, the risk of "bubble" is serious in some cities , the government proposed to adhere to the combination of government  regulation and market regulation, to promote the real estate market stable healthy development. On behave it , firstly , we should have a clear understanding of the stages of the real estate development . Then using Is-lm model , analysis the size of the money multiplier and the monetary policy , which impact on China's real estate market supply and demand .And get to know how the China's monetary policy affects supply and demand of the country's real estate market . Finally , try to give some suggestions to improve Some policy of The central bank , in order to promote the development of real estate .

Keywords: IS-LM model  Monetary policy  Estate market

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:本文最重要的一点创新就是把IS-LM模型和货币政策联系起来,选取了一个新颖的视角来研究对房地产市场的影响,不是单纯的只分析房地产市场或者货币政策。关键之处是在基于IS-LM模型......
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