
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-07
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关键词:信用  征信行业  个人征信体系


Abstract: Credit is a very important part of financial activities. Therefore, the method to get credit information, credit investigation is also very important. Although the economy of China is developing quickly, the credit investigation system is very backward. Because of the backward of credit investigation system, China has faced a lot of problems during the economy growing. Compared with China, USA has a completed personal credit investigation system, it is also an important gap between China. Although the states of China are very different from USA, China still can analyze the advantages of the personal credit investigation system, and get some experience to build the own personal credit investigation system of China.

Keywords: Credit  Credit investigation  Personal credit investigation system

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:我国的个人征信体系相较于企业征信体系来说,发展的比较慢,与我国经济的增长速度相比显得严重脱节。而世界上的其他大型经济体,如美国、欧洲等,则都拥有了自己的独特的个人......
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