
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:mi胖胖 更新时间:2014-11-16
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Abstract:With the acceleration of urban-rural integration, the entertainment of the floating population is getting more and more attention. In this paper, Jiangning District of Nanjing Yinxing area is for the survey, study floating population spatial and temporal characteristics of entertainment activities. In the field survey using questionnaires, observation, supplemented by interviews conducted using spss software for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Study founds that: floating population entertainment activities space characterized as Yinxiang area native population's overall casual number is high, mainly in Suguosupermarket and pedestrian streets, and pedestrian street, Keshi, small garden and shopping malls in the floating population is relatively not so dense . The entertainment of activities Migrants temporal characteristics of the performance of the whole, Yin Lane area of entertainment time and recreation a high frequency, multi-choice afternoon after work for the entertainment activities, from the morning to the afternoon t, the main entertainment is to have dinner. In the evening ,mainly for shopping.The spatial characteristics of the entertainment of migrants showes significant internal differences.

Keywords: floating population; entertainment; temporal characteristics; spatial characteristics

上传会员 mi胖胖 对本文的描述:本文的调查对象以南京市江宁区殷巷地区的外来人口为主体。外来人口是我国改革开放以来出现的特殊人群,外来人口的进入大大促进了城市当地经济发展和繁荣,可是,外来人口的也......
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