
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-08
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关键词:外汇储备  正面效应  负面效应  对策


Abstract:In recent years, rapid growth of China's foreign exchange reserves, the world's foreign exchange reserves than any other country. Adequate foreign exchange reserves for the maintenance of economic and financial security and stability, and enhancing our international competitiveness and external reputation is good. But extremes meet, the excess foreign exchange reserves would not only smooth and healthy development of China's economy has brought many negative, and will bring some of China's economic influence and political risk. 

   This paper mainly introduced since 2000, the growth of China's foreign exchange reserves, explained the reasons for the rapid increase in China's foreign exchange reserves, high foreign exchange reserves analyzed positive effect on the Chinese economy and negative effects, and on how to slow down China's foreign exchange reserves proposed increase over the corresponding countermeasures.

Keywords:Foreign exchange reserve  positive effect negative effect countermeasure


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:我国外汇储备的增长情况,阐述了我国外汇储备迅速增加的原因,重点分析了高额外汇储备对中国经济的正面效应和负面效应,并就我国如何减缓外汇储备的过度增加提出了相应的对策......
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