
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-20
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  系统采用B/S开发模式,用Tomcat作WEB服务器,以JAVA作为开发平台,结合JSP、JavaScript、Xml等语言,用SQL Server 2005为后台数据库架构,采用三层体系结构:表示层、业务层、数据库操作层开发,即前端由JSP 网页实现表现逻辑,中间使用 Java Bean 的组件实现系统内部复杂的业务逻辑,后端使用 SQL Server 2005 数据库实现数据逻辑。


关键词:网络考试系统; 浏览器/服务器模式; 动态网页技术


Abstract:This paper related a development of the C Language testing system that base on the JSP technique .Base on the dynamic webpage program development and data assess technology ,this paper analyses the structure of the network testing system ,describes this designing and accessing and developing tools and technologies ,then certainty analyses designing for the client application program.

  The Application development and project base on B/S ,we use Tomcat as the Web server, and the java as the platform, use JSP, Javascript , XML as development language, then use SQL server2000 for the background database architecture .we also use the three layers mode for system structure ,the JSP webpage for the interface display layer, and Java Bean for the business logic layer, then use SQL Server 2000 for data logic.  

  The whole system is simple , friendly operation and safety ,it is high efficient and convenient for online testing.

Keyword:online examination system, B/S , JSP


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:本论文大致分为以下几个章节:第一部分,绪论,主要为本论文的开展做理论上铺垫;第二部分,系统开发工具介绍,主要简述了系统开发所涉及的各类工具及技术;第三部分,系统功......
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