
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-20
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关键词:大学生 ;就业信息 ; PHP


Abstract:The employment for undergraduate students closely relates to students' employment prospects and the healthy development of higher education. The University Employment Information System is facing harsh condition on their job hunting to undergraduate students. And it is putting forward a proposal for some solutions to this problem.   

  This system takes PHP+MySQL technique, this aims to bring teachers- in charge of students' employment- some conveniences for posting some job information and employment guidance for students. The system is divided into the administrator login subsystem, including the function of graduates in information management and enterprise information management capabilities; graduates landing subsystems, including personal information search and recruitment information query. This system provides a platform, showing some efficient, reliable information, in order to help schools better management and instruction for students.

Key Words: Undergraduate Students; Employment information; PHP


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:高校就业信息网以MySQL+PHP作为平台,涉及到PHP语言、MySQL数据库、JavaScript语言、HTML语言。通过这次高校就业信息网的开发,让我对PHP编程、MYSQL数据库、超文本标记语言HTML和JavaScript语言......
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