
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:阿怪 更新时间:2014-03-13
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  本系统是针对院系级毕业设计教务管理工作,研究、设计并开发的毕业论文管理系统,采用ASP和SQL Server 2000作为开发工具。在开发过程中首先分析了其主要的业务流程和信息交流交互的内容,然后又结合了学校对毕业设计环节的管理标准和要求,经过系统的功能设计和数据库设计等过程,最终实现了系统要求的全部功能。


关键词:B/S; 毕业论文管理系统; ASP


Abstract:Currently, using advanced management information systems and platforms of software development to manage information with scientific and network has become develop direction. Design and Implementation of Thesis Management System has achieved systematic, standardized, scripless, in the whole process of the graduation design.

   The system is researched, designed and developed for Thesis Managemen in college. It uses ASP and SQL Server 2000 as a development tools. In development course, firstly, I analysis its key of business course and exchange information. Secondly, combined the management standard and request of college graduate design, through the course of the system function design and database design. Finally, I carry out all functions of the system request.

   The thesis from the four points, system requirements analysis, design, detailed design, system realization, write up development course of system, and simply introduce the main characteristics of system and development tools.

Key Words:  B/S; Design and Implementation of Thesis Management System; ASP(Active Server Pages)

上传会员 阿怪 对本文的描述:本系统是针对院系级毕业设计教务管理工作,研究、设计并开发的毕业论文管理系统,采用ASP和SQL Server 2000作为开发工具。在开发过程中首先分析了其主要的业务流程和信息交流交互的......
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