
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:阿怪 更新时间:2014-03-13
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   本系统作为管理信息系统的开发案例,利用ADO进行数据库的操作,SQL Server2005作为后台数据库系统,并借助于ASP建立基于Internet/Intranet的Web数据库应用。


关键字: 村务管理系统;ASP;数据库


Abstract:Village to establish a sound management system is an integral part of new rural. It can improve the management of the village staff level so that the daily management of village affairs more convenient.

 The system as a management information system case, the operation of the database using ADO, SQL Server2005as the backed database system, and establish means of ASP-based Internet / Intranat for Web database applications.

 The system includes three functional modules, including the residents of the village management module, housing management module, management module and related things, back-end database structure. Can be achieved using the system within the households of the village, housing and basic things in the operation and management of village affairs officer for the village to make management more convenient and efficient and intuitive.

keywords : Village Management System;ASP;Database;

上传会员 阿怪 对本文的描述:我做的村务村务管理系统采用的是SQL Server做后台数据库,主要采用ASP程序设计的互动自测系统功能以及设计思路,程序采用ASP程序设计,通过SQL Server创建数据库。基本实现用户登录,用......
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