
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:阿怪 更新时间:2014-03-13
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关键词:工资管理 用户管理 PHP MySQL


Abstract:Wages and salaries management is an important part of company management. With increasing number of people, the management of the  wages  on enterprise has become more and more complex . Salary management system is used for managers to manage all the employees of the company,and realize the function of employee information like query, input, modify, and delete; and issued important notices , the latest information and rules.

  Corporate payroll system is a typical management information system (MIS). It uses Apache as the Web server, PHP as a programming language, MySQL as relational database, and developed a user-friendly payroll system, user can understanding of the salary information fast and accurate . The system basically meet the needs of the enterprise wage management, it can effectively improve the efficiency. With ‘Work on net, Work without paper’, the efficiency of handling office business is improved highly, and it embodies the powerful capability of the modern government.

Keywords: Salary management, user management, PHP, MySQL

上传会员 阿怪 对本文的描述:本系统主要实现登录、员工信息、部门信息、工资管理、职务级别管理、基本工资信息管理、内部公示管理、系统管理等八大模块进行详细描述介绍......
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