
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:阿怪 更新时间:2014-03-13
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摘要:在现代人的生活中,Internet已经成为生活、学习、工作中不可缺少的一部分, Blog就是以网络作为载体,简捷迅速地发布自己的心得,及时有效轻松地与他人进行交流,再集丰富多彩的个性化展示于一体的综合性平台。Blog是继Email,BBA,IM之后出现的第四种全新的网络交流方式,它摒弃了Web2.0中“网站/访客”的单向参与形式,你可以利用Blog轻松地表达自己的想法,发布自己的心得。真正体现了“人人参与”的Web3.0思想。


关键字:Asp.net ; c# ; 博客; 多用户; 数据库


Abstract:In modern life, Internet has become a living, learning, an integral part of the work, Blog is to network as a carrier, simple and quickly publish their own experience, timely and effective to communicate easily with others, then set colorful Personalized display in one integrated platform. Blog is the second Email, BBA, IM emerged after the fourth new network communication, it discards the Web2.0 in the "site / visitor" in the form of one-way, you can use the Blog to express their ideas easily , Publish their own experiences. Truly embodies the "everyone involved" in the Web3.0 ideas.

   If you use only static HTML pages just using technology to ensure that the page can only be beautiful, but not the introduction of more interactive features information on more powerful, so dynamic web site design designed to be mainstream now, ASP.NET is in this case The birth, at present, the development blog on the Web faster and faster, is a more popular direction, ASP.NET is Microsoft introduced a new generation of dynamic web site development tools, ASP.NET is not just have a new interface And to repair some defects in an upgraded version of ASP, which is based on Microsoft.NET framework and with reference to Java, VB.NET, C # and other languages ​​added advantage of the development of many new features, ASP.NET provides stable performance and excellent Upgrade, more rapid and easier development, easier management, the new language, and network services, more powerful and comprehensive.   

Keywords: Asp.net; c #; blog; multi-user;  database

上传会员 阿怪 对本文的描述:本设计首先要完成博客的注册和开通,对博客发表文章,评论,链接,图片数据进行管理,系统的功能主要体现在后台数据库方面,因为博客的另一个名字叫网络日志,因此博客要求能......
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