
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-18
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Abstract:Along with the starting of the third industrial revolution, the information technology has became the power of this industrial revolution, and the importance is increasing apparent to the development of social and economic in cities.Today,the development of cities, more and more depends on their information building, so it has been a inevitable requirement to promote information technology for cities.The cities informatization is the driving force of urban modernization and internationalization,and it can solve many problems effectively encountered in the city’s running.For a city,after the city informatization builds for a period,exactly estimating and objectively evaluating the level of the city informatization, and understand the development of the current situation,and the development trend,and the development policy of a city’s informatization,it’s great significant to to forward the job of a city’s informatization,and promote the the city’s sustainable development.

   In this paper,based on the basic information of Xuzhou city, with the theory and methods of regional economics,city economics,information economics,statistics and other related disciplines, putting forward the consist project for Xuzhou informatization index system,on the basis of theory researching ,providing the reference and making the evaluating for the development policy of Xuzhou city informatization, and with emphasis on the evaluation of Xuzhou city informatization level,I collect relevant data from the real social and economic life, determine the specific analysis of indicators,establish an evaluation model,and proposes countermeasures to promote city informatizarion.After the researching and demonstration,I put forward some constructive opinions and suggestions for the long acting regime to take pertinency steps,correct the deviation to develop Xuzhou informatization,it plays a positive effect to promote the healthy developing for the work of the city informatization,so that it will help the social economy,culture,scientific,education of Xuzhou to develop by crossing steps.

Keywords  city informatization  XuZhou  index system  measurement  evaluation suggestions

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:信息化建设逐渐社会发展的主流,同样对于一个徐州这样一个发展迅速、地理位置优越的城市来说,信息化也是近年来城市规划的一个重点方向,因此对徐州城市信息化进行总体的了解......
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