
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-18
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关键词 :个人信息;信息泄露;防范措施


Abstract:Taking place repeatedly entered the information age, all kinds of information leak, caused serious trouble to People's Daily life. Such as the well-known "wikileaks" website CSDN, 6 million Internet users password lost. It’s like an awakening to audit again, million savings gone. Online banking transactions, and account password is stolen personal information leak. The safety of the people the bottom line is being fraud crimes, such as, information, business information black holes eroded "crime". In order to further optimize the network information technology, make people better to enjoy the convenience brought about by the development of science and technology. We have to take reasonable and effective measures to prevent personal information leakage, to prevent further deterioration information of black industry chain. This is through to the different age and different degree of the questionnaire.Internet users by sampling survey method, statistical analysis for different types of Internet users' personal information leakage and prevent "different views. Respectively from the perspective of information subjects, technology, legal and commercial perspective, the author analyzes the reasons of personal information leakage. Remind the masses of users to maintain personal information rights consciousness, set up correct concept of individual information use. Advocacy to related industries develop more safe and effective database security technology to protect personal information, such as the safety control technology, key technology and safety technology, etc. Finally from the legal Angle put forward to reasonably define the scope of personal information; Clear the contents of the legal protection of personal information. Provisions relating to the personal information protection prior supervision mechanism. Perfect the remedial system related to the protection of personal information. 

Keywords: personal information; information leakage; preventive measures

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:本论文认为在信息时代为了有效防止个人信息泄露需要从国家法律、行业自律、信息安全技术等角度将个人信息保护的法律制度的制定、行业监管等工作提上日程,同时还要不断加强对......
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