
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-18
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Abstract:Drugstore inventory management system to simplify their daily work in a large number of repeated mechanical operations, make some tedious process and a large quantity of data to be efficient. Drugstore inventory management system can also be based on the data is effectively controlled, to achieve the workflow layer control, coordination, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises. Although, at present the small and medium-sized drugstore companies in China have thriving states. And Most of them did not use effective computer management mode so that their methods of management are relatively backward. Therefore, the use of a convenient and efficient management is the only way which must be passed to improve the company's own competitiveness and management level.

   Basing on the investigation of the specific situation of drugstores, I decide to use Java programming language and MySQL database for the drugstore inventory management system. The system has seven functional modules, such as: drug information management, supplier information management, entering-warehouse management, marketing management, inventory management, inquiry statistics and members management.  Through the centralized information database, businessmen import and sale, deposit business organic union rises, in order to achieve data sharing, reduce costs, increase efficiency, improve service purposes.

Keywords: drugstore inventory management systems; Java; MySQL; information management

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:药品进销存管理系统的相关研究成果主要有: 发达国家药品管理系统的开发实现已有数十年的历史,至今有了长足的进步。这些药店普遍实现了计算机管理,更有甚者采用了大型数据库开......
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