
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-15
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关键词  WiFi;定位系统;RSSI


Abstract:With the development of WiFi technology and Wireless City,WiFitechnology is widely used in various industries,so that it also provides opportunities for it to improve.Similarly,inlocation-based services market,the demand for location based services grows rapaidly.For example,the healthcare industry,emphasis on patient care tracking,anti-steal the baby delivery room,expensive medical equipment monitoring and control,shopping cart positioning ,customer spending habits of collection;prison inmates focus tracking;travel route navigation,real-time location of inquiries.As the GPSsatellite positioning,it can provide precisely positioning only where relatively open,none high-rise buildings,can’t be used indoors and it has higher power consumption.Therefore,in intensive indoor positioning targets,positioning system based on WiFi technology become the best choice.Through the WiFinetwork location,it can make up for GPS in the construction—intensive or indoor applications,restrictions and expand the application of location—based services industries and range,and improve positioning accuracy,reduce deployment costs,improve equipment utilization,enhance rescue capabilities to respond to emergencies has importantsocial significance.

   Here we talked about the WiFi technology and learn the basic principles,focusiong on the wireless positioning technology based on RSSI.Based on the above konwledges we designed and implemented the fuction of this positioning system.In the lab environment and a brief analysis of the results.The final chapter briefly summarize the obtained results and pointed out that the function not yet been achieved ,and make a futute based on tht research results of this subject.

Keywords  WiFi   location system   RSSI

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:在WiFi网络迅速发展的同时,我国法律在《民法》中确定了对公民名誉权的保护,但对于用户位置的隐私性质没有详细的阐述或明确规定。这一立法相对滞后,可能影响该产业的发展。如......
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