
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-11
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摘要:以枸杞、决明子、甘草为原料,研制出一种既营养丰富又具有保健功能的植物复合保健饮料。本论文主要探讨了枸杞、决明子、甘草保健饮料的生产工艺流程以及操作要点。采用保温浸提法对枸杞、决明子和甘草在一定温度下保温浸提,在浸提过程中添加0.02%的抗坏血酸进行护色,用来维持产品原有的色泽。通过正交试验研究确定复合饮料的最佳配方:枸杞汁:决明子汁:甘草汁为3:2:2,白砂糖添加量为6%。在此基础上,经高压均质后研究超滤、冷澄清等处理对复合饮料可溶性固形物、总黄酮含量、色泽和稳定性等的影响,结果表明,截留分子量为10万的超滤膜能有效提高饮料的稳定性。在此条件下所得的产品pH为4.5,可溶性固形物含量为6.36%,总黄酮含量为0.14%,总糖含量为5.95%,Vc 含量为5.8 mg/100g,且口感酸甜适宜,色泽均一,澄清透明,无分层现象。 

关键词 枸杞;决明子;甘草;保健饮料;稳定性


Abstract:To obtain a nutrient-rich and health plant drink, the wolfberry, cassia seed and licorice were used as raw materials. In this paper, the production process and the key operation points of the health drink were studied. In order to maintain the original color, 0.02% ascorbic acid were added in the heat exaction processing of the active substance from the wolfberry, cassia seed and licorice, moreover, orthogonal test were used to optimize the best formula of health drink. Experiments showed that the best formula of compound drink was as followed: wolfberry juice: cassia seed juice: licorice 3:2:2, adding 6% sugar. On the basis of this, the total soluble solids (TSS), total flavonoids content, color and stability (centrifugal sedimentation rate) were investigated when treated by ultrafiltration or cold clarification after high pressure homogenization. The results showed that, the ultrafiltration membrane with molecular weight of 100000 can effectively improved the stability of beverage. Under these conditions, the product of pH was 4.5, TSS content is 6.36%, the content of total flavonoids was 0.14%, total sugar content is 5.95%, the content of Vc was 5.8 mg/100g, and the drink was suitable sour and sweet taste, no delamination.

Keywords  Chinese wolfberry ; Cassia seed; Licorice; Health beverage; Stability

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:枸杞中枸杞多糖是主要活性成分,是一种天然植物多糖,是开发保健功能食品的最佳原料。研究表明,能够提高机体的免疫力,还能够抗衰老、降血脂、降血糖和抗肿瘤等功效 ,在保健......
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