
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-11
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关键词 青麦仁;猕猴桃;稳定性;复合饮料


Abstract:Green MaiRen and kiwifruit have a high nutrition and health functions. Blend the two mixed beverage extract has a certain market prospects. In this paper, through the single factor experiments and orthogonal experimental on Green MaiRen milk and kiwi juice enzymolysis technology research, determined Green MaiRen the optimum conditions were 80min, 75℃, 0.3%amount of the enzyme. Then determined kiwifruit the optimum conditions were2.5h, 45℃, 0.25% amount of the enzyme. Through orthogonal experiments the best formula: Green MaiRen: kiwifruit=6:4, sucrose addition level of 8%, citric acid 0.12%, 3times of added water, 0.06%xanthan gum, 0.45%pectin and 0.45%sodium alginate. Under this condition, the compound beverage with the taste and rich nutrition, etc, but also has certain health care functions.

Keywords Green MaiRen  Kiwifruit    Stability  Composite drinks

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:目前,青麦仁的生产及销售仍较为原始,因4月底5月初的气温较高,当天销不掉则青麦仁就要变质,极大地限制了其加工规模、市场营销和销售。如果采取延长青麦仁产业链,那么就可以......
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