
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-14
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关键词  饣它汤;方便汤料;酶解;鸡骨架


Abstract:The research mainly aimed at the development of a chicken bone soup product that composed of an ideal ingredient with an optimized processing condition. The frozen chicken bone was used as the raw material, and other additives including stabilizer was added.

   Using orthogonal design, the optimum enzymatic hydrolysis process was obtained with hydrolysis degree as indicator. The optimum enzymatic hydrolysis condition of chicken bone soup is: alkali protease, enzyme concentration 5%, substrate concentration 7%, reaction time 2 h, and temperature 50°C. 

   The optimal Sha soup production process was as follows: chicken, green wheat kernels → increase the material, onions, spices, stewed 3h → abandoned to the chicken skeleton filtration → colloid plus sesame oil → chicken soup → vacuum concentration → drying → starch, colloidal → vacuum packaging. 

   On the choice of starch, the first fixed-stabilizer content of 1% was added to determine varieties and amount of the starch. The experiment showed that the optimal choice of 5% pre-gelatinized starch as the optimal formula to its content.

   Tested finished last on the stability test of the instant, color and microscopic surface observation, provide theoretical support for a period of deep processing of the development of convenient sha soup.

Keywords  Sha soup  Instant soup  Enzymatic hydrolysis  Chicken bone

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:经过科学理论分析,在促进人们食疗养生方面,饣它汤的配料(母鸡、猪元骨、薏仁米等)和制作方法都有体现,完全符合中医养生学、现代营养学的营养要求。薏仁米是谷类的一种,......
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