
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-14
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关键词 食品;间接原子吸收;草酸


Abstract:This paper researched that by using Ca2+ and oxalate ions to generate calcium oxalate precipitation with flame atomic absorption method for the determination of the overused Ca2+ to indirectly obtain the content of oxalate. Through single factor and orthogonal experiment to determine the dosage of HCl, NaCl and ethanol, reaction temperature and reaction time on experimental effects. The results showed that in the reaction system of 2.0mL Ca2+ standard solution and 1.0mL oxalate standard solution, adding 1.0mL HCl dosage and 1.5mL NaCl dosage and reacting for 15 minutes under the normal temperature were the best test condition, which could be used for analysis of real samples. By indirect atomic absorption method, the detection limit was 0.0309mg/L. The optimum conditions for determination of the relative standard deviation was between 0.59% and 3.01%. And the recovery rate was between 97.3% and 99.7%.  Comparing these determination results with those of national standard, the relative error was between 1.37% and 9.83%. The results were consistent.

Keywords  food  indirect atomic absorption spectrometry  oxalate

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:原子吸收光谱分析是基于物质所产生的原子蒸气对待测物质的特征谱线的吸收作用来进行定量分析的一种方法。其原理是用空心阴极灯产生可供被测元素基态原子吸收的光源,并将样品......
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