
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:love音乐 更新时间:2014-09-24
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转换比率:金额 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币 论文字数:10886
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关键词:股利贴现 市盈率 股票价值


Abstract:The intrinsic value of dividend discount model and price earnings ratio model calculation of stock,under some reasonable assumptions, combined with the current stock related financial data of A stock market listing Corporation on their valuation. Firstly, using market prices trend and CAPM model to calculate the listing Corporation value and cost of capital. Secondly, to price the stock dividend discount model and price earnings ratio model, this paper uses these two models to calculate Wanke and Gree appliance value, verification of whether the stock price is the two models can be measured,as well as in the Chinese market if applicable. Finally, the effect of inflation on the stock value, the stock market can be found on both inhibition and promotion effect of inflation, specific depending on the prevailing economic situation and decide.

Key words: dividend discount  price earnings ratio  stock value

上传会员 love音乐 对本文的描述:股票的价值一直是一个困扰人们的难题,股票的价值是体现在公司的未来业绩上,通俗的讲就是公司的筹集完钱后的赚钱能力,而我们很难预知一个公司未来会发生的的事情。因此,我......
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