
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-07
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Abstract:In this topic , one azobenzene monomer and one bromine containing monomer was first prepared.And then one functionalized polymer with bromine on its side chain was synthetized by using the methyl methacrylate and brominated  monomers, via RAFT polymerization using CPDN as the RAFT agent and AIBN as an initiator.last,the azobenzene monomers was inserted in the side chain of the polymer,via ATRP polymerization under the catalysis of CuBr. different molecular weight  polymers were prepared by controlling the Polymerization reaction time. Various methods were used to purified the polymer.the polymerization process showed well controlled. By the GPC,it was find that the polymerization process presented one-orde dynamics characteristic ,Polymer molecular weight increased linear increase with the conversion rate. At the same time molecular weight distribution gradually narrowed. We also finded that the polymer we prepared has slightly Thermal stabilityand some crystalline. Last, we studied the optical trans-cis isomerization behavior and kinetics of the side-chain azobenzene polymers through the ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometer(UV-VIS) , the constant of isomerization rate ke is 0.1032s-1 . We alsostudied the polymer’ Reply behavior by lighting and heating. And get the onstant of cis-tran kh。0.00461s-1.

Key words:side-chain azobenzene polymers; trans-cis-trans isomerization; rystallinity; liquid crystal


上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:本课题首先合成含偶氮苯基团的甲基丙烯酸酯类单体,含溴甲基丙烯酸酯类单体;采用RAFT聚合技术,以偶氮二异丁氰(AIBN)作为引发剂,а-二硫代萘甲酸异丁腈酯(CPDN)为链转移剂,对甲基......
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