
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:姐妹花 更新时间:2014-01-20
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关键词:MATLAB GUI; 陀螺运动; 大学物理; 虚拟实验系统 


Abstract:MATLAB-based virtual experiment system physics research,Knowledge of MATLAB, and understand the application GUI,Implementation of virtual reality toolbox of physics experiment. Using Matlab's graphical user interface system developed physics experiment data processing system, Through the system, can be more objective and clear learning. Most of the GUI object by attribute to control the appearance, functionality and features, it usually takes to complete a GUI used to get, set, findobj, uicontrol, uimenu and uicontextmenu and other functions. In the GUI has two main characteristics in the name of the property, one property name is case insensitive, such as LineStyle with the linestyle, LINESTYLE or LINEstyle properties represent the same meaning; as long as the property name does not cause other objections to can be abbreviated to simplify the way the property name, and the simplified attribute name is defined by its.Is mainly for MATLAB-Based Virtual Laboratory System for college physics major research gyroscopic motion.

Key words:MATLAB GUI;  Gyroscopic Motion;  Physics;  Virtual experiment system


上传会员 姐妹花 对本文的描述:基于MATLAB的大学物理虚拟实验系统的研究,对MATLAB中GUI的了解及理解应用,利用虚拟现实工具箱实现大学物理实验的研究。利用Matlab的图形用户界面系统开发出了大学物理实验数据处理......
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