
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-10
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摘 要:为了了解某高三年级模考成绩与高考成绩的相关关系,找出模考成绩对高考成绩的影响,以及如何利用模考成绩来预测高考学习成绩。采用问卷调查法对50名高三毕业生进行问卷调查。结果表明高三模考成绩与高考成绩的线性相关关系极为显著,并且模考成绩中的数学成绩对高考成绩影响较大,其次是英语。

关键词:模考成绩  高考成绩  相关关系  回归分析  SPSS


Abstract:Analysis of variance is an effective method in mathematical statistics.Based on analysis of variance,in this paper we studied the dual factors test from non-repeated dual factors and repeated dual factors.And through the structure of the statistic,discussed whether two factors are remarkable to influence of the test result.This paper endeavors to make us comprehend further more about the variance analysis of the duplicated experiment on the dual-factor by introducing the principle of it and the application of it in the manufacturing,and by using the SPSS to do the dual factors analysis of variance. 

Key words:dual factors test;analysis of variance;interaction;SPSS

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:考成绩受模考成绩的影响却又不能完全由模考成绩所决定,我们称这种关系为相关关系。那么这种关系是否密切?如果密切,哪些模考成绩对高考成绩影响最大,如何利用模考成绩来预......
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